What does it indicate if the signs at a bus lane do not specify operating hours?
What could happen if you follow the vehicle in front too closely?
What are the risks of driving too close to the vehicle ahead of you?
When should you properly use your vehicle's horn?
On a road where trams operate, which vehicles are most vulnerable to the tram rails?
What kind of crossing permits both cyclists and pedestrians to cross at the same time?
If you are driving a car with a diesel engine, what could a loose filler cap on your fuel tank cause?
What type of driving behavior increases risks for everyone?
If signaled to stop by someone in charge of animals, it's crucial to comply and turn off your engine. Animals can behave unpredictably and may dart into the road, posing a hazard to themselves and other vehicles.
You are driving in traffic at the speed limit for the road. What should you do if the driver behind you tries to overtake?
Why is it crucial to choose the correct position well ahead of time when preparing to turn right ahead?
You are waiting in a traffic queue at night. How can you avoid dazzling drivers behind you?
What should you do if an ambulance with flashing blue lights is approaching from behind?
What should you do when the amber light is flashing at a pelican crossing?
What actions should you take if a vehicle suddenly emerges in front of you at a junction?
What kind of vehicle commonly utilizes a blue flashing beacon?
What follows the green light at a puffin crossing?
When driving at night on an unlit road and following another vehicle, what actions should you take?
What type of emergency vehicle is fitted with a green flashing beacon?
You are driving behind a large goods vehicle. What action should you take if it indicates left but moves right?
You are driving on a clear night at the national speed limit with a steady flow of oncoming traffic. Which headlights should you use in this situation?
What actions can be taken to prevent fuel spillage?
When is it recommended to maintain a two-second gap between your vehicle and the one in front?
When should you use your vehicle's headlights to signal other road users?
Why should you avoid waving people across at pedestrian crossings?
Who must adhere to diamond-shaped traffic signs?
How much time should you keep between your vehicle and the one ahead on a wet road?
If you are driving a slow-moving vehicle on a narrow winding road, what precautions should you take?
On a one-way street with two lanes, where should you position your vehicle if you plan to make a right turn?
What action should you take when a shepherd signals for you to stop due to sheep crossing?
When approaching a red light at a puffin crossing with pedestrians on the crossing, when is the red light expected to change?
When driving in good, dry conditions, when is it advisable to apply the 'two-second rule'?
If the driver behind you is following very closely in a line of traffic, what should you do?
If you are driving at the legal speed limit and a vehicle approaches rapidly from behind, flashing its headlights, what should you do?
What should you do to prevent fuel spillage?
How should you approach and navigate an uncontrolled intersection?
You are driving along this road. What action should you take if a red car cuts in closely in front of you?
As you approach a zebra crossing, what action should you take if pedestrians are waiting to cross?
What action should you take if a large, heavily loaded truck is attempting to pass you slowly?