While traveling on a single-track road, what should you do if you see a vehicle approaching and there is a passing place on your right?
How should you handle an unmarked crossroads as you approach it?
What should you do if you're riding towards a zebra crossing and pedestrians are waiting to cross?
When a long, heavily laden lorry is overtaking you and taking a long time to pass, what should you do?
When riding a motorcycle on a single carriageway road, what should your road position allow?
What kind of emergency vehicle is equipped with a green flashing beacon?
What actions should you take when approaching these horse riders?
What is the minimum time gap you should maintain when following a vehicle on a wet road?
When is it appropriate to flash your headlights at other road users?
Who is required to follow diamond-shaped traffic signs?
Why is it important to avoid waving people across at pedestrian crossings?
What should you do when the amber light is flashing at a pelican crossing?
What type of crossing permits cyclists to ride across alongside pedestrians?
Under good and dry conditions, when should you apply the 'two-second rule'?
If you're riding a motorcycle with an engine smaller than 50 cc and you notice a queue of traffic forming behind you, what should you do?
What might occur if you follow this vehicle too closely?
When is it appropriate to flash your headlights at other road users?
If you're following a large vehicle traveling at 40 mph, where should you position your motorcycle?
On a one-way street with two lanes, where should you position your vehicle if you want to turn right?
What should you do if an ambulance with flashing blue lights is following you?
What should you do if you are in a line of traffic and the driver behind is following very closely?
Which vehicles are most at risk from tram rails on roads where trams operate?
Why are young motorcyclists at a higher risk of being involved in crashes?
Why is it hazardous to drive too close to the vehicle in front of you?
Which type of vehicle uses a blue flashing beacon?
If you're driving at the legal speed limit and a vehicle behind you approaches quickly, flashing its headlights, what should you do?
Why is it important to take up the correct position well in advance when you want to turn right ahead?
When is it appropriate to use your vehicle's horn?