As you follow a large vehicle approaching a crossroads and the driver signals a left turn, what should you do?
While maintaining a safe distance behind a large vehicle, what action should you take if a car merges into this gap?
What actions should you take if you want to overtake a long, slow-moving vehicle on a busy road?
When following a long vehicle approaching a crossroads, what should you do if it signals left but veers to the right?
If you are driving behind a bus and it stops at a bus stop, what should you do?
Why is overtaking a large vehicle more challenging than overtaking a car?
As you approach a mini-roundabout, what should you do if a long vehicle in front signals left but positions itself to the right?
What actions should you take when approaching a bus that is signaling to leave a bus stop?
You are waiting to turn right out of a minor road. While it is clear to the left, a lorry is approaching from the right. Why should you wait, even if there seems to be enough time to turn?
Why should you exercise caution when riding on roads shared with trams?
What actions should you take as you approach this lorry?
Why is it important to maintain a significant distance while following a large vehicle on a single carriageway road?
When riding behind a long vehicle approaching a mini-roundabout, what should you do if the vehicle is signaling left but is positioned to the right?
When following a long vehicle approaching a crossroads, what should you do if the driver signals right but moves close to the left-hand curb?
Which vehicles are least likely to be impacted by crosswinds?
Which sign would prompt you to take extra caution when overtaking a slow-moving motorcyclist?
When following a lorry on a wet road and spray obscures your view of the road ahead, what should you do?