If you’re riding toward a zebra crossing and see a person in a wheelchair waiting to cross, what should you do?
Why is it important to check for motorcyclists right before turning right into a side road?
If a horse rider is in the left-hand lane approaching a roundabout, where is the rider likely to go?
If you want to turn left shortly ahead while traveling behind a moped, what should you do?
What actions should you take when passing loose sheep on the road?
What should you do if a driver starts to pull out into your path from a side road on your left?
What distinguishes a toucan crossing from a puffin crossing?
If you're riding in fast-moving traffic and the vehicle behind you is tailgating, what should you do?
As you approach a roundabout, what should you do if a cyclist ahead is signaling to turn right?
How will a school crossing guard signal you to stop?
Why should a rider perform a lifesaver check before making a right turn?
Why do motorcyclists frequently check over their right shoulder just before making a right turn?
As you follow two cyclists approaching a roundabout in the left-hand lane, where would you expect them to go?
If you're following a cyclist and need to turn left shortly, what should you do?
What is the purpose of these road markings?
As you prepare to overtake a group of horse riders, what is most likely to startle the horses?
You’ve stopped at a pelican crossing, and a disabled person is crossing very slowly in front of you. What should you do when the lights turn green?
As you prepare to overtake a group of horse riders, what is most likely to startle the horses?
Why do motorcyclists wear high-visibility clothing?
What distinguishes a toucan crossing from a puffin crossing?
What action should you take if you want to turn left at a junction where pedestrians are already crossing?